Monday, 11 February 2013

# EDCMOOC WEEK 2 Feeling Outcasted and Lonely

This week has been hectic, so I haven’t been able to be as connected as the previous one. However, I have done my job and I would like to reflect on that.
Looking to the Future has been very interesting in terms of thinking about the future of Education and the implications of  this in society .
In my previous post , I was talking about Education for All , dragging the attention to the issue of Integration . After watching the videos and reading the material, I still have the feeling that Education as being presented in the films this week ,has a sense of sameness .  All films show a society that seems to be perfect ( very Utopian in A Day Made of Glass ) so perfect that is scary. Take the video Sight , you see what you allow to see, what they want you to see, and if you don’t like it, well , technology plays you again, they reset you. In the other films such as Charlie and Plurality , you can see how technologies control you, if you are not what they want you to be  or  “ programmed “ you to think/ see/ act, then you you don’t belong , you are outcasted , a rebel , or an outsider . Thus, my premise works, Looking  to the Future has no room for difference?? What about individuality

I have always believe that being what I am is what defines me and that implies the richness of individuality, we are all different and that makes us unique . If we were only one kind of people, with the same kind of feelings and thooughts, it will be all boring and I start imaginging a grey reality. All black and white, that reminded me of a movie,a movie that I actually watched again for this purpose :
Equilibrium :

       In this movie  humans are subdued to a regime in which they were not allowed to " feel " anymore, to prevent them from war. They had  had a mind altering drug daily dose with which all forms all feelings/ emotions were supressed ( Prozium) . If someone disobeys is was punishable by death. So, books , arts , music and everything that prokoves emotions were burnt. One of the scenes that captivated me the most was one in which one of the prisoners of the resistance asks Preston, the main character, the following :

Mary: Let me ask you something.
[Grabs his hand]
Mary: Why are you alive?
John Preston: [Breaks free] I'm alive... I live... to safeguard the continuity of this great society. To serve Libria.
Mary: It's circular. You exist to continue your existence. What's the point?
John Preston: What's the point of your existence?
Mary: To feel. 'Cause you've never done it, you can never know it. But it's as vital as breath. And without it, without love, without anger, without sorrow, breath is just a clock... ticking.
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    Have you ever felt your life is circular ? That you wake up everyday and you go to work , eat and do the chores and everyday is almost the same ?

     Another part of this movie that called my attention was the way children behaved, the were of course emotionless, they had lost the sparkle of life, they were dull as everything else; and again the sameness feeling was there. They couldn’t be themselves , laughing and playing. A sense of isolation  came to me... and I kept on thinking. Is that the future that awaits us ? to our children ? Are they already being automatised by technology ?

How many of the children you know don’t go out anymore, but only find entertainment in video games ? I do, and that worries me. Is this the path we are taking as a society ?

Some food for the thought ...


  1. you are right. all the courses revolve arround the same point.

  2. Hi Andrea, Good point. I think the same. I thought it was just me, getting crazy!!! Thanks God I'm not alone;o)
