The first video and the one that called my attention the most was called A Day Made of Glass :
The video is very hypnotasing, and I was watching I was wondering a lot of things , but I will focus today in Education and how it is portrayed . The learning - teaching experience seems to be very Utopian to me and it couldn't be other way as it was made to promote a product and when you sell, you have to be convincing and use strategies to persuade.
A Day Made of Glass pictured education as being very interactive and
experience based, although these experiences were recreated ( Field Trip ). I think that the best way of teaching is by
showing, then doing together and finally do it yourself, by
experimenting, in that way students with different learning styles and multiples intelligences are addressed , it could make learning fun, easy and very fast .Therefore, I agree and I like the way teaching and learning were
shown in this video.
Despite some people have mentioned in the Forum that , that kind of
technology wouldn't reach all social classes or all schools as the video
presents to what it seems to be a Private School, well in my country Chile,
all school wear uniforms and I can tell you the government provide a lot
of resources to especially the poor schools, the problem is that the
teachers don't believe in a real change ( the government also provide
free updated courses for the teachers ), but I have found most of the
interactive tools are stored at a room in the schools and not being used because the teachers
don't know how and don`t want to do the extra job that trying implies . Here is where I see the light : teaching teachers to use
the new technologies to their students and to their own benefit . We
already have Universities with computer labs and WiFi all over the
place, also we already have schools that provide students with Ipads or
netbooks for particular lessons, and the teachers acting only as guide and
feedback the students. It can be achieved. Here there is tool that we are using in some universities and schools in my country : Mimio
However, there is a major flaw in this kind of teaching experience , what about Inclusion ? What about blind students ? or kids with no good fine motor skills ? This model as it is presented is visually based and the applications worked by being touched. The teacher in the video presented the contents using very colourful and motivating material , if you see and if you are able to answer quickly it can be a great experience, but if you don't ? Educational Inclusion has to do with the fact that special educational needs students spend most of their time with non- disabled students, in the same classroom and dealing with the same contents . Every student with educational needs, has the right to participate and be part of the school, just like any other child; and the school has the duty to accept those children. Ideally, the school should provide a learning space for every child and do not distinguish between general education and " special education". Would the methodology and teaching tools used in the video serve this purpose ? or will we be alienating children with special needs again ? Wouldn't that be a step back into the past ?
Some food for the thought ...
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